
Wow, it is finally happening. I am 4 weeks pregnant! It is unreal. I knew it would happen someday, I could always envision it and now it is finally coming true.

We found out on Wednesday when I was 3 weeks 4 days. I always thought that I would think up some really cute way to tell my husband, but I couldn't contain my excitement so I called him instead ; ). He was shocked just as much as I was, but happy overall.

I have been feeling lousy this past couple of weeks and thought that I was having a flare-up of my disease. My rheumatologist wanted to do a blood pregnancy test when I went to see her on Tuesday before we started any meds. I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant but she still wanted to do one anyway. She called the next day to tell me it was positive :).

I've been so nervous these past few days, knowing the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the most important. Some symptoms I've been feeling are: nausea (on and off, mostly in the evening and early morning), fatigue, tired (ALL. THE. TIME. Naps are crucial), and light cramping.

I go see my doctor on Wednesday - I can't wait!


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