Autoimmunity & pre-pregnancy/pregnancy supplementation
I'd say that this pregnancy has kept my DM at bay, for the most part. My legs are still pretty weak when walking up the stairs, and I get easily winded, but besides being sleep tired (not really fatigue tired), I don't have much to complain about.
There is a lot of controversy about pregnancy and autoimmune disease. Most of the information out there is regarding lupus and pregnancy. DM and lupus are similar, but, different in so many ways. I don't have any problems with major organs (besides skin); the main thing that is effected are my muscles.
The important thing about autoimmune disease and pregnancy is that pre-pregnancy state is very important. If you are flaring going into pregnancy, you will most likely continue to flare during your pregnancy, making you more susceptible to pregnancy complications. If your disease is in remission or not active before pregnancy, then you are more likely to have a better outcome.
Along with being in a remission-state before pregnancy, taking supplements or prenatals before conceiving is extremely important. I had been taking vitamins and fish oil for years with my daily regimen of pills so I didn't really have to take anything extra except for additional folic acid. I guess this is second nature for me to think about because I'm so health conscious. But, supplementation is just that, and most of the nutrition should come from your diet and not from a pill. If a supplement is needed, the best kind should be made from whole foods.
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