Gender neutral/modern nurseries
Sorry, Tori, I love ya, but this is the kind of nursery I don't want.
And this just screams boy. No, thank you.
Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong these nurseries. They are cute, but they aren't right for us. I want something as minimalistic as possible, because, let's face it, this little babe isn't going to know the difference. When they get to be a little older, however, they will probably want something specific for their room, and that will be the time that we will go all out, but, for now, minimal/modern is the way to go:
I still would like to do the cliche "name on the wall with block letters" deal, and I do want more color than these pictures show. But, I like the gender neutral nature of the decorating, not to mention that these are very budget friendly ideas.
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