eleven weeks four days

The second trimester is right around the corner!

We've been listening to the baby's heartbeat on the fetal doppler, and it is the most amazing sound I have ever heard. It helps to have it on hand when I'm not feeling well, or when I'm not feeling pregnant at all. Hearing the swush swush swush brings the biggest smile to my face. :D

As for symptoms, the fatigue is really overwhelming me. I've been taking a 1-2 hour nap every day, and if I don't get a nap in I am one crabby lady. The nausea seemed to have dissipated around the 11 week mark, but I still feel slightly nauseous in the evenings. I have a head cold right now so my diet has been mainly fruits and vegetables, and tons of orange juice. Being sick while pregnant is like the ultimate double whammy.

I have been waiting for my appointment with the perinatologist for sooo long and it's finally almost here. Friday! We will get to see the baby again and get a confirmation that everything is okay (fingers crossed!). Then I will get to announce my pregnancy! I hate keeping a huge secret like this.


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