ten weeks

Weeee! I'm 1/4 of the way there!

Seems a little unreal. Time is going by so quickly! But I'll definitely be glad to be out of the first trimester in just a few short weeks.

This past week there hasn't really been any changes. Clothes are feeling snug, tummy is pudging out, and my nausea is still in full effect. Today, though, I have been feeling better (aside from the tiredness) and my appetite is starting to come back.

At 9 weeks 5 days we heard the baby's heart beat on the fetal doppler at my doctors appointment! I wasn't sure if he was going to try and find it, but I was so glad that he did. It's been a little nerve-wracking not knowing if the baby is okay. I can't feel or see him/her and the stress of over-analyzing every detail of how I'm feeling each day is really taking a toll on my emotions. But, hearing the heart beat really put my mind at ease and made me more confident that this pregnancy is going well.

I have been dying to buy a few things for the baby, but I am just waiting until I see my perinatologist at 11 weeks 6 days. We will be getting an ultrasound and if everything is okay, I am going to splurge! I won't overdo it, though. :)


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